неделя, 27 февруари 2022 г.

Кои са ''нехайните'' от Сура ал-Араф?

 Аллах не е създал хората само за да ядат, пият и да се размножават като животни. Аллах е удостоил човеците с многобройни привилегии, в пъти повече от другите си създания, но невежите предпочитат неверието. Те не са информирани или просто отричат да приемат, че са създадени с определена цел. 

Всичко за което ги е грижа е да грабят с пълни шепи от сладостите на живота. Съществуването на такива хора е подобно на това на животинското, даже са по-заблудени от тях.

''А неверниците се наслаждават и ядат, както добитъкът яде. И Огънят ще им е обиталище.'' [Мухаммад 47:12]

''Остави ги да ядат и да се наслаждават, и да ги отвлича надеждата! Те ще узнаят.'' [Ал-Хиджр 15:3]

''Създадохме за Ада много от джиновете и от хората. Имат сърца, с които не разбират, имат очи, с които не виждат, имат уши, с които не чуват. Те са като добитъка, даже са по-заблудени. Те са нехайните.'' [ал-Араф 7:179]

четвъртък, 5 февруари 2015 г.

Трябва ли да следваме и Сунната на Пророка Мухаммад, а не само Корана?

В името на Аллах,

Въпросът изглежда необичаен и странен за практикуващ мюсюлманин. Как може нещо  което е пределно ясно, че е неразделна част от Исляма да става повод за дискусии и дебати?!

Но щом задавате този въпрос, с помоща на Аллах ще посочим защо е задължително да се следва и постановлението засягащо тези, които я отричат. С това  ще опровергаем съмняващите се, както и отклонилата се група, наричаща себе си Кураниун. (Корана няма нищо общо с тях!)

Ин ша Аллах, тази дискусия ще е полезна за всеки, който иска да разбере истината по въпроса.

Доказателства за Сунната

1. В Корана се говори за важността на Сунната, например:

а) ‘’О, вярващи, покорявайте се на Аллах и се покорявайте на Пратеника.’’ [Нисаа’ 4:59]

Аллах описва подчинението пред Пророка (Аллах да го благослови и с мир да го дари) като част от службата към самия Него. След това Аллах показва връзката между подчинение пред Него и такова пред Пророка.


‘’О, вярващи, покорявайте се на Аллах и се покорявайте на Пратеника.’’ [Нисаа’ 4:59]


б.) Аллах ни предупреждава да не противоречим на Пророка (Аллах да го благослови и с мир да го дари) и казва, че всеки който не му се подчинява ще бъде хвърлен във вечният Ад.  Аллах казва (превод на значението): ’’... И да се боят онези, които нарушават негово нареждане, да не ги сполети изпитание или да не ги сполети болезнено мъчение!’’ [Нур 24:63]


в.) Подчинението пред Пророка е религиозно задължение повелено от Аллах и всяко възпротивяване или противоречие е знак за лицемерие:


’’Но не -; кълна се в твоя Господ! -; те не ще станат вярващи, докато не те сторят съдник (О Мухаммад) за всеки възникнал спор помежду им; после не намират затруднение у себе си относно онова, което си решил и напълно се подчиняват. [Нисаа 4:65]


г.) Аллах заповядва на слугите Си да отклинкват на Неговите повели и тези на Неговия Пратеник:  ’’О, вярващи, откликвайте на Аллах и на Пратеника, щом ви зове към онова, което ще ви съживи! И знайте, че Аллах стои между човека и сърцето му, и че при Него ще бъдете събрани!’’[Анфаал 8:24]


д.) Аллах заповядва на Своите слуги да се обръщат към него за разрешаване на всеки спор:


 ’’И спорите ли за нещо, отнесете го към Аллах и към Пратеника..’’[Нисаа 4:59]

2.Сунната сама по себе си показва важността на Хадисите. Например:

а.) Тирмизи предава от Абу Раафи и други, че Пророка (Аллах да го благослови и с мир да го дари) казал: ’’ Не искам да видя нито един от вас, чувайки моите инструкции и забрани да казва: ’’Не го приемам’’ и ’’Не намерихме нищо такова в книгата на Аллах.’’ Абу Иса казва, че хадиса е добър и достоверен [Сунна ат-Тирмизи, № 2663].

Ал-Ирбад Ибн Саария, Аллах да е доволен от него, предава, че Пророка (Аллах да го благослови и с мир да го дари) казал: ’’Дали някой от вас мисли, че Аллах ще спомене забраненото само в Корана? Казвам ви, в името на Аллах, че съм предупредил и задължил и забранил неща които са толкова важни колкото са и нещата в Корана, ако не и повече. ’’[записан от Абу Дауд, Китаб ал Кирадж уал-имраа уал-фай].

б.) Абу Дауд също предава от Ал-Ирбад Ибн Саария, Аллах да е доволен от него, че: ’’Един ден Пратеника на Аллах (Мир нему) водеше молитвата, след това се обърна към нас със сериозен глас и каза: ’’Обърнете внимание на моята сунна (обичаи, традиции, начини) и на обичаите на Праведните Калифи след мен, следвайте ги и се придържайте към тях неотлъчно.’’[Сахих Абу Дауд, Китаб ал Сунна]

3. Учените единодушно потвърждават (иджма’) значението на Сунната.

Ал-Шафи, Аллах да е доволен от него, казва: ‘’Не знам никой измежду Сподвижниците и Таби’ин (поколението след Сподвижниците), който е предал думите на Пратеника на Аллах (Аллах да го благослови) без да ги приема, да се придържа към тях и да ги признава като сунна. Тези, които идват след Таби’ин и тези, с които се срещнахме правеха същото; всички те са признали преданията и са ги обявили за сунна, хвалейки тези, които я следват и критикувайки тези, които застават против тях. Който се отлъчи от този път, ще бъде считан от нас като отлъчен от пътя на Сподвижниците на Пророка (Аллах да го благослови) и учените, които ги последваха и ще бъде обявен за невеж.’’

 4. Здравият разум подсказва важността на Сунната.

Факта, че Пророка (Аллах с мир да го дари) е Пратеник на Аллах показва, че ние трябва да вярваме на всичко казано от него и да се подчиняваме на всяка негова заповед.  Дори няма нужда да се споменава, че ни е казал неща и ни е дал наредби наред с Корана.

Безмислено е да се прави разграничаване между Сунната и Корана когато иде реч за спазването и разбирането им. Задължително е да се вярва в това, което той ни е казал и да следваме наредбите му.

Постановлението относно тези които отричат значението на Сунната е, че те са неверници (каафир), защото отричат добре позната и неупровержима част от религията.

Аллах да благослови нашия Пророк Мухаммад.

Шейх Мухаммад Салих Ал-Мунаджид


събота, 4 май 2013 г.

Shaykh ’Ubayd al-Jaabiree Warns Against Anwar al-Awlaki

03 December 2009, 05:14:43 | Talha Ibn Shahid

By the Noble Scholar of Madeenah, Shaykh ‘Ubayd Ibn ‘Abdullaah al-Jaabiree
Questions posed concerning the corrupt statements of Anwar al-Awlaki and his incetement towards violence and civil unrest.


Shaykh ’Ubayd al-Jaabiree Warns Against Anwar al-Awlaki

[Q]: The praise is for Allaah, and may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon the Messenger of Allaah and upon his Family and his Companions and upon those who follow the guidance.  To proceed:
So these are some of the statements of one of the du’aat (callers), his name is Anwar al-Awlaki.  You will find these statements on his official website.  We present them to the noble Shaykh ‘Ubayd Ibn ‘Abdillaah al-Jaabiree – (may Allaah preserve him) – so that he may comment upon them so we can then spread the answers and the comments among the brothers here in America and in Britian and throughout the West in general.

The first statement: “The rulers in the Arabian Peninsula are playing a central role in the fight against Islam especially the al Saud family. The al Saud of today is the Abdullah bin Ubay of yesterday.”

And he says in the second statement: “May this be the beginning of the greatest Jihad, the Jihad of the Arabian Peninsula that would free the heart of the Islamic world from the tyrants who are deceiving the ummah and standing between us and victory.”  Should I – O Shaykh – mention the third statement as well or can I suffice with this?

[A]: Present the third statement.

[Q]: And the third is that this man says: “The Jihad in Somalia should carry on until the last AU soldier leaves the country and any forces that side with the AU -including the Sharif government -and Sharif is the president who won the recent election – become legitimate targets.”
So what is your comment upon these statements, may Allaah bless you?

[A]: With the name of Allaah.  The praise is for Allaah and may peace and salutations be upon his servant and Messenger Muhammad and upon his Family and all of his Companions.
The summary of what has become apparent to me from these three statements that you have quoted from a specific forum or a specific website for Anwar al-Awlaki, and the name Awlaki (‘Awlaqee) proves that the origin of this man is Yemeni.  The essence of what is comprised within these statements – in that which is apparent to me – are two affairs:

The first affair: is his ignorance concerning the fiqh of Jihaad.  And that he does not know anything about the Jihaad, which is from the well-planned obligations that Allaah has established up until Allaah causes the earth and whosoever is upon it to perish.

And I suspect that this man has become polluted by the ideas of Sayyid Qutb al-Misree and similar to him are Aboo Qataad, Aboo Muhammad al-Maqdisee and many others besides them. All of these individuals and the same applies to this man have been influenced by the likes of Sayyid Qutb; and Sayyid Qutb, according to the people of research and experience with examining statements, is the flag bearer of takfeer in this time. His book, Ma’aalim fit-Tareeq (Milestones) proves this clearly as Sayyid erroneously and falsely declared the entire Ummah to be disbelievers, the rulers and their subjects.
And Jihaad according to Ahlis-Sunnah, who have inherited from Muhammad (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) the correct understanding of the religion, the correct understanding of worship and the correct understanding of social dealings, this Jihaad is of two categories:

Jihaadut-Talab (the offensive Jihaad) and Jihaadud-Daf’ (the defensive Jihaad).  Jihaadut-Talab is to mobilize the troops and to dispatch the armies and to prepare sufficient equipment in order to fight whosoever is surrounding them from the disbelievers to make the word of Allaah uppermost.  And this is the responsibility and special role of the Muslim ruler.  He is the one who can call to such an act, he is the one who establishes this and he himself is the one who leads it or he appoints someone to lead a military detachment.
So whosoever calls to Jihaad in a general manner (without consideration of the legislated prerequisites or guidelines), then he is one of two men, either he is ignorant concerning the fiqh of Jihaad or he is a person of desires who is misguided and misguiding others, an innovator.  And regardless of whether he is the former or the latter, it is obligatory upon the Ummah to be cautious of him and to have hatred for him.  And it is obligatory upon the Scholars to refute him and to warn against him.

The second is Jihaadud-Daf’, and this is to defend against the assailant and the transgressor.  So when an assailant and a transgressor from the disbelievers attacks and transgresses against a Muslim country, then it is permissible for the people of that country to defend themselves and to resist the attack in order to stop its evil and to challenge its deception.  It is a required condition that they must have the ability and the strength to do this.  So if they have the ability and the strength, they can mobilize themselves to defend against the subjugation of the transgressing party and to defeat its endeavour and to reject its tyranny.
If they do not have the ability and the strength for that, then they have two choices: they can either flee with their Religion and their honour to wherever they will be safe, or they can seek a treaty of peace with this tyrannical enemy and they can make contracts and agreements with him to preserve and safeguard the territory of the people of al-Islaam.
Therefore, it can be concluded from this that the required condition for Jihaadut-Talab (the offensive Jihaad) is the ruler, since it is from his special functions.  And the required condition for Jihaadud-Daf’ (the defensive Jihaad) is the strength and ability to carry it out.  And strength and ability are necessary for both of these acts in order to defeat the endeavour of the enemies of Allaah.
The second matter that has become apparent from the first two statements is that this man harbours resentment against the Arabian Peninsula and he harbours resentment against the rulers from al-Saud.  And due to this, he has described them with kufr (disbelief) or nifaaq (hypocrisy) or both of them.  The crime of al-Saud according to him and his likes from the people of desires, splitting and the Khawaarij is that their nation is a nation of Tawheed and the Sunnah – every person of Sunnah testifies to this.  And their nation has been the flag bearer of Tawheed and the Sunnah since its inception at the hand of al-Imaam Muhammad Ibn Sa’ood – may Allaah have mercy upon him; and verily it gives victory to Tawheed and the Sunnah.
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab called to Tawheed and the Sunnah and the Imaam, the Ameer Muhammad Ibn Sa’ood used to aid him and defend him and he used to defend his call.  And the fruit of that effort was that Allaah made this righteous Imaam, al-Mujaahid strong and influential due to his raising the flag of Tawheed and the Sunnah- I deem him as such and Allaah is his Reckoner.  From the fruits of this da’wah was the establishment of a mighty nation.  It has taken on the burden of establishing the Religion.  And there is no person of Sunnah, except that his heart is with this nation. Likewise, it has taken on the political and economic burden.  So these are all fruits of aiding Tawheed and the Sunnah.
The Khawaarij in every time and place have always had enmity towards Ahlus-Sunnah, the rulers and their subjects, because Ahlus-Sunnah are the farthest of the people from takfeer (wrongfully labelling a Muslim a disbeliever), let alone tabdee’ (declaring someone an innovator) and tafseeq (declaring someone a disobedient sinner), except with a proof that obligates takfeer, or tabdee’ or tafseeq of the individual.  And this is known to those who are familiar with the history of Ahlus-Sunnah and their written works.  However, the one who has been overwhelmed by malice and desire has become deep-rooted within him, then he opposes Ahlus-Sunnah and displays enmity towards them.
So it is not strange that Awlaki should take this path, since he has a predecessor and he himself is from the later followers. Consequently, I warn the Muslims firstly against this man and I call upon them to boycott him and to severe ties with him and to refute him with a knowledge based refutation that will expose his call and reveal his true condition and show that he is an enemy to the people of Islaam and the Sunnah.  This individual and his likes are from those who have disfigured the image of Islaam and the image of the people of al-Islaam to the extent that they have driven those who do not possess intellect from the Jews and the Christians to attack the personality of the Messenger of Allaah and to degrade the Mushaf. This is because due to their lack of intellect and due to their lack of knowledge about Islaam and its people they think that him, his predecessors and his contemporaries represent the people of Islaam; and that this path of theirs is the true path of the people of Islaam and that transgressing against the honour, wealth and the lives of others, and that the nullifying of contracts and ratified treaties between our rulers and the rest of the non-Muslim nations of the world, such as those of Europe and America, then these feeble-minded fools and those who have been deprived of justice and fairness, they think that this is the Islaam that we practice.
So how astonishing it is that America let this man remain therein, yet it raises its voice to say that it opposes terrorism, and as for us then we say that they are Khawaarij. Indeed this man and his likes are the terrorists that the Europeans, Americans and the Western world in general refer to, and I think that even the non-Muslims from the people of the East like Russia have labelled them with this title.  So these individuals in reality are the instruments of terrorism and they are the river from which the Khawaarij draw out what they draw out to support their transgression against the people of Islaam and the Sunnah, and for their transgression against those whom we have contracts and treaties with (i.e. the non Muslim states), since they do not recognize any contract or treaty.  They only declare people disbelievers en masse.

This is what I liked to make note of and I ask Allaah, the Glorified and Most High to keep the people of al-Islaam away from every evil and detestable thing and to withhold from them the evil of the Khawaarij, whether they are the Khawaarij who sit and incite others or whether they are the ones who physically participate themselves; and that He keeps the misery of the Khawaarij among their own selves and that He allows the Muslims to see a lesson in them; and that He seizes the Khawaarij with a mighty and strong seizure and that He makes them a lesson for those who take heed.

And may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his Family and all of his Companions.

 This was dictated by one in need of Allaah: ‘Ubayd Ibn ‘Abdullaah Ibn Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree, a former professor at the Islamic University of al-Madeenah.  And the date of this discussion was Wednesday night, the 23rd of Dhul-Qa’dah, in the year 1430H, corresponding to the 11th of November in the year 2009. 

And success is with Allaah.  And may the peace and salutations of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his Family and all of his Companions.


петък, 8 февруари 2013 г.

Sufism 1

Sufism is not from Islam
By Shaykh Fawzan

Questioner: What is the ruling in Islam concerning Sufism?

Shaykh Fawzan: Sufism, there is no Sufism in Islam, this is an innovation. Sufism is an innovation, it is not from Islam.                        
Thus it is upon those who have fallen into Sufism to repent to Allah the Exalted.
And it is upon them to return to the Sunnah.
And it is upon them to return to that which the pious predecessors were upon from uprightness and firmness upon the Deen of Allah and following the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah are upon him, and following the rightly guided successors.
This is the pure unadulterated methodology.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings are upon him said:

This nation will divide into seventy three sects all of them will be in the fire except one. They said: Who are they oh Messenger of Allah? He replied: Those who are upon what I and my companions are upon.

Thus there is no safety and security except by following the Minhaj of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings are upon, him and his companions.
And Sufism is not from the Minhaj of the Messenger, peace and blessings of Allah are upon him, and it is not from the Minhaj of his companions, and it is not from the Minhaj of the virtuous generations; rather it is something newly invented in Islam.
And it (Sufism) contains a great deal of deviations; some of which contains grave worship and shirk with Allah the Exalted and belief in the dead.
Thus Sufism also contains polytheism.

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes ibn Estes Barbee
from: http://mtws.posterous.com/sufism-is-not-from-islam-explained-by-shaykh

понеделник, 4 февруари 2013 г.

Moroccan Bath-haram

Sisters, no Moroccan Baths, Hammam, Spa treatments and others where you have to expose your body !

It is strictly forbidden for men to enter saunas without an Izar (garment worn below the waist). It was authentically reported in the Hadith narrated by Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"Whoever believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection, let him ...not go to public baths except while wearing an Izar." (Related by Al-Nasa'y and Al-Hakim, and ranked as Sahih (authentic) according to the conditions of Muslim)

This Hadith has corroborating reports. Women are forbidden from entering public baths. It was reported from `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she told some women who came to her, "Are you the ones whose women enter public baths? I had heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying:

"A woman who removes her clothes in other than her husband's house tears the veil between her and Allah." (Related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Al-Tirmidhy, Ibn Majah, and Al-Hakim, and ranked as Sahih according to the conditions of Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Al-Dhahaby agreed with him.)

It was related in “Musnad (Hadith compilation of) Imam Ahmad", and ranked as Hasan (good) by Al-Hafizh Ibn Kathir, that `Umar ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "O people! I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying, 'A person who believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection should not sit at a table where there is Khamr (intoxicants); a man who believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection should not enter a public bath without an Izar; and a woman who believes in Allah and the Day of Resurrection should not enter a public bath.''

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'
[Bakr Abu Zayd, Salih Al-Fawzan , `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan, `Abdul-`Aziz Al Al-Shaykh , `Abdul-`Aziz ibn `Abdullah ibn Baz ] ♥

Islamic insurance explained



Islamic concept of Takaful was introduced about 30 years ago. Started in Malaysia, in 1984,but must have been developed years before.So the concept is fairly new. However, it did not bring anything new.The concept was already there in the Quran and Sunnah.

Proof form Quran and Sunnah
The concept was already there like paying the blood money. The Islamic system of insurance embodies the elements of shared responsibility, joint indemnity, common interest and solidarity.

Muslim jurists conclude that it should be on the basis of mutuality and co-operation. In conventional insurance, indemnity and profits are not shared.

Rulings and Regulations

1. Policy holders cooperate among themselves and share common goals.

2. The subscription of each policy holder is like a donation and intended to spread the cost and liability across community pooling system.

3. No advantage at the cost of others.

4. Not like conventional Insurance to pay and recieve nothing in case of loss.

5. In conventional insurance, one is treated as a client, while in Takaful, one is a partner.

6. All funds must be invested in halal investments.

7. Part of the money is considered as Tabarruh (donation) and part of the money is invested.

8. The Tabarruh part covers in case of loss, while the invested part is invested and you get a return on it proportionate as agreed with the operator of Takkaful.

9. In case one dies before maturity of his takaful, he will receive whatever he has paid prior to his death from participant's account, and also his share of profits from the investments which have been credited to the participant's account. From His special account any outstanding takaful instalments which would have been paid by the deceased participant should he survive would be calculated from the date of death to the date of maturity of his takaful plan and also be given

Proof of Tabarruh

1. Bukhari narrates that the companions would put all their food into one central basket while on their jihad or dawah. They would eat from it and in case of leftover would divide it equally. This was called Al-Nahar.

2. Gifts to take back. Abu Bakr gave a portion of dates from his farm to Ayesha. She did not claim, so he took it back and advised to divide it after his death among all his children. It was like Tabbaruh, where the left over is dividing among the participants.

Types of Takaful Business

1. Family Takaful Business, General Takaful Business, Commercial Business
Difference Between Conventional Insurance and Takafful:

For detailed explenation, request ''Takaful explained'' file (14 pages): nik.vessy@gmail.com

събота, 30 юни 2012 г.

Change our intention

What happens if we were to change our niyyah while performing an action?

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali says according to the ulama' if the niyyah at the end of the action matches the beginning (i.e. doing the action for the sake of Allah), then any changes in the middle of the action will be forgiven or does not matter, insha Allah.

However, if the niyyah at the end does not match the beginning, i.e. we do the action for other than the sake of Allah, then we must repent (taubah).